2984 Treffer:
2371. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2006  
2006 Scat­te­ring pa­ra­me­ters me­a­su­re­ment for the de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of laye­red media pro­per­ties with 25 MHz…  
2372. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2005  
2005 In vivo ul­tra­sound bio­microsco­py of skin with 20 MHz and 100 MHz range ul­tra­sound: In­ver­se echo si­gnal fil­te­ring…  
2373. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2004  
2004 Mul­ti­moda­le Ab­bil­dung der Haut mit hoch­fre­quen­tem Ul­tra­schall und Op­ti­scher Ko­hä­renz­to­mo­gra­phie …  
2374. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2003  
2003 De­ve­lop­ment of a high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound skin ima­ging sys­tem: Op­ti­miza­t­i­on uti­li­zing time do­main…  
2375. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2002  
2002 In vivo eva­lua­ti­on and ima­ging of skin elas­ti­ci­ty ap­p­ly­ing high fre­quen­cy (22 MHz) ul­tra­sound Micha­el Vogt, Sven…  
2376. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2001  
2001 Kon­zep­te für die hoch­auf­lö­sen­de Blut­fluß­ab­bil­dung mit hoch­fre­quen­tem Ul­tra­schall (50 MHz) in der…  
2377. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2000  
2000 Com­pa­ri­son of time and fre­quen­cy do­main ap­proa­ches for blood ve­lo­ci­ty esti­ma­ti­on in small ves­sels using high…  
2378. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 1999  
1999 So­no­gra­phy of the skin at 100 MHz enables in vivo vi­sua­liza­t­i­on of stra­tum cor­ne­um and via­ble epi­der­mis in pal­mar skin…  
2379. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 1998  
1998 100 MHz so­no­gra­phy of pso­ria­sis vul­ga­ris plaques Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Cars­ten Piek, Thors­ten Auer, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par,…  
2380. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 1997  
1997 Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of high fre­quen­cy broad­band ul­tra­sound for high re­so­lu­ti­on blood flow me­a­su­re­ment …  
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