2984 Treffer:
2361. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2016  
2016 3D-pul­se-echo-to­mo­gra­phy for bre­ast can­cer and rheu­ma­to­id ar­thri­tis dia­gno­sis — add-on-sys­tem and la­test…  
2362. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2015  
2015 Eva­lua­ti­on of Re­sults from Ul­tra­sound Pro­cess To­mo­gra­phy of Mul­ti­pha­se Media Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Tho­mas…  
2363. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2014  
2014 A non-in­va­si­ve sys­tem for ul­tra­sound pro­cess to­mo­gra­phy of mul­ti­pha­se flows Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Hel­mut…  
2364. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2013  
2013 Si­mu­la­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on of fan-shaped beam ul­tra­sound trans­du­cers for mul­ti­pha­se flow pro­cess…  
2365. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2012  
2012 Me­a­su­re­ment and mul­ti­va­ria­te ana­ly­sis of ul­tra­sound pa­ra­me­ters for quan­ti­ta­ti­ve…  
2366. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2011  
2011 Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of li­quids and emul­si­ons by means of high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (15-35 MHz) Micha­el Vogt,…  
2367. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2010  
2010 A high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound ima­ging sys­tem using li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­poun­ding and syn­the­tic aper­tu­re…  
2368. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2009  
2009 A mo­del-ba­sed syn­the­tic aper­tu­re image re­con­struc­tion tech­ni­que for high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound Jörn Opretz­ka,…  
2369. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2008  
2008 3D small ani­mal ima­ging with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (20 MHz) using li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­poun­ding Jörn Opretz­ka,…  
2370. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert - 2007  
2007 Li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­pound ima­ging of skin with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (20 MHz) Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert -…  
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