Prishila Hoti
Optical Test Engineer
Mynaric, Gilching
Career after graduation
Following the completion of the studies, I returned to my home country to reflect on my career goals and determine my next career steps. While I had always aspired to pursue a PhD, I also recognized the importance of gaining practical experience. Therefore, upon returning to Germany, I enrolled in the UniWORKCity course at RUB, which was very helpful in providing me with insights into the job market and assessing potential opportunities. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have always been captivated by the ever-evolving field of laser communication. Upon learning of the opportunity to work at Mynaric, I knew that it was an ideal setting to pursue my passion for this field.
Current workplace
Mynaric is a cutting-edge laser communication company that is revolutionizing communication solutions for air, ground, and space. The headquarters of our company is located in Munich, where we have the engineering, testing, and production facilities. I started my journey in the company as a member of the testing team, which is responsible for conducting indoor and outdoor tests, ensuring that our terminals perform optimally under diverse working conditions. As an optical test engineer, my work has centered extensively on the fields of optical aberrations and their impact on free space communication. I am also responsible for providing support for factory acceptance tests and making contributions to the troubleshooting and investigation efforts aimed at optimizing system performance.
What do you like most about your job?
One of the most fulfilling aspects of my job is the opportunity to collaborate and share experiences with motivating colleagues. The strong culture of mutual support and cooperation across the company makes the daily work enjoyable. This collaborative environment has enabled me to expand my experience and expertise across various fields, as many of our processes are interrelated. I find the technology we produce to be both fascinating and challenging, which aligns perfectly with my personality. Being part of an environment that fosters innovation and problem-solving is an incredibly rewarding experience for me. I feel fortunate to contribute to the success of our team at every step, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.
To what extent has the Lasers and Photonics programme helped you?
The Laser and Photonics master course has been the best career decision I have made, as it has equipped me with comprehensive knowledge of laser applications in various fields. Combining this knowledge with my experience as a student assistant at the Photonics and Terahertz Technology chair, the transition from being a student to becoming an employee has been very smooth for me.
(last updated: April 2023)

Country of Origin: Albania
Current Position: Optical Test Engineer
Current Employer: Mynaric, Gilching (Germany)
LAP Graduation Year: 2021
Bachlor Degree in: Telecommunication Engineering
prishilahoti(at), Prishila.hoti(at)