2960 Treffer:
421. Gas Messzelle  
Gas Messzelle Gas molecules have intra-molecular movements such as vibrational, rotational and translational motions, which absorbs energy in the THz frequency range. Another reason to use THz…  
422. Monolithic dual mode lasers  
Monolithic dual mode lasers Monolithic dual-mode lasers are beneficial for THz systems due to their compact, integrated design, which enables stable and coherent THz signal generation through…  
423. Forschungsbereiche - TERAHERTZ SYSTEME  
TERAHERTZ SYSTEME Chirped Mirrors LOBSTER PICs for THz Monolithische 2-Farb-Laser  
424. Monolithic dual mode lasers - Y-DFB laser:  
Y-DFB laser: This laser features a Y-shaped resonator with a shared gain segment (combiner segment) and two separate gain segments for selective feedback at 1536 nm and 1544 nm with top-etched slots…  
425. Monolithic dual mode lasers - Y-DBR laser:  
Y-DBR laser: The Y-DBR laser is a micro-integrated dual-wavelength master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) designed and fabricated by our cooperation partner Ferdinand-Braun Institute. The laser…  
426. WNE (WOP) - Entwicklungsstand 04.07.2022 - Publikationsliste WNE - nach Jahr  
Entwicklungsstand 04.07.2022 - Publikationsliste WNE - nach Jahr  
427. Monolithic dual mode lasers - Monolithic dual mode lasers  
Monolithic dual mode lasers Monolithic dual-mode lasers are beneficial for THz systems due to their compact, integrated design, which enables stable and coherent THz signal generation through…  
428. WNE (POP)  
429. WNE (WOP)  
430. WNE (POP) - Entwicklungsstand 04.07.2022 - Publikationsliste WNE - nach Jahr  
Entwicklungsstand 04.07.2022 - Publikationsliste WNE - nach Jahr  
Suchergebnisse 421 bis 430 von 2960
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