SFB 1316
This Collaborative Research Center investigates how the non-equilibrium nature of a plasma transfers upon contact with liquids and solids.
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The "6GEMcubator" will establish a novel entity for North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and beyond, addressing the urgent need for strategic technology transfer from research into innovative…
In MARIE, the focus is on precisely and dynamically characterizing and locating moving materials in our daily environment.
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M. Sc. Steffen Wittemeier
Research assistant
Microsystem Technology
Address: Ruhr-University Bochum Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informationtechnology …
Adrian Klingbeil
Technical assistant (in collaboration with Chair of Electronic Circuits)
Microsystem Technology
Address: Ruhr-University Bochum Faculty of…
Adrian Klingbeil
Technical assistant (in collaboration with Chair of Electronic Circuits)
Microsystem Technology
Address: Ruhr-University Bochum Faculty of…
M. Sc. Tobias Schwanke
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Analog Integrated Circuits
Address: Ruhr University Bochum Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Analog Integrated…