Course Structure PO 2015

Module overview

  • 42 Credit Points: Mandatory Modules
  • 48 Credit Points: Mandatory Elective Modules, among those
    • ≥ 20 CP Mandatory Elective Courses
    • ≥ 6 CP Practical Subjects
    • ≥ 16 CP Free Elective Courses
  • 30 Credit Points: Master Thesis

Mandatory Elective Modules

The mandatory elective modules are divided into three categories:

  • Mandatory electives courses
  • Practical subjects
  • Free elective courses.

In the first two semesters, the mandatory elective modules are only a small supplement to the mandatory modules on which you should concentrate at the beginning. In the third semester, you will ideally have completed all mandatory modules. Then, in your third semester, you are free to choose which modules you would like to take. Please note that different courses are offered in the winter semester than in the summer semester.

Study Plan LAP (PO 2015)

Mandatory Modules

The mandatory modules are all modules you must take and pass. There is no way to bypass them. However, they provide you with all the important background information on lasers and photonics and are a solid basis for further specialisations. Ideally, you will have completed the mandatory modules after your second semester.

Course numberCPSemester
English 6 
English for Specific Academic Purposes: Researching and Writing a Scientific Paper2512313  
English for Specific Academic Purposes: Producing and Presenting a Scientific Poster2512303  
Laser Technology
Laser Technology

Laser Materials Processing
Laser Materials Processing

Laser Metrology
Techniques of Laser Metrology *

Optical Metrology
Optical Metrology


Photonics 6  
Master Project Optics Fundamentals1422691  
* The course replaces the course ‘Laser Metrology’ (course no.: 139930) in winter semester 2024/25. Students who have already passed 'Laser Metrology' may not attend the lecture 'Techniques of Laser Metrology'.

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Mandatory Elective Courses

The mandatory elective courses are lectures that are concluded with an examination. The difference to the mandatory modules is that you can choose from a list of courses which you would like to take. You earn at least 20 CP from mandatory elective courses by the end of your studies, more are possible, but not less.

Course numberCPSemester
Mandatory Elective Courses a ≥ 20*  
Biomedical Optics1412713  
Electromagnetic Fields1413675  
Fiber Optics1399406  
Numerical Photonics in Python1414825  
Optical Communications1412583  
Physics of Quantum Cascade Lasers1603114  
Ultrafast Laser Physics 2: Generation and Applications of Ultrashort Pulses1414234  
Computational Engineering 2: Electrodynamics1413783  
Biophysical Chemistry I1846115  
Introduction to Nonlinear optics1399003  
Laser Spectroscopy1603083  
Quantum Optics1603284  
Terahertz Technology1412664  
Ultrafast Laser Physics 1: Basics of ultrashort pulses1414214  
Ultrafast Laser Physics and Technology1414204  
Upon approval from the master course coordinator further courses can be acknowledged as mandatory electives. Form for acknowlegdement is available at the examination office.
* a + b + c ≥ 48 CP

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Practical Subjects

Practical work in the lab, programming or reading and understanding papers – these are the practical subjects. You need at least 6 CP in practical subjects for your master's degree, which means that you have to take between 2 and 3 practical subjects during the course of your studies. Again, more is always possible, but not less.

course numberCPSemester
Practical Subjects b ≥ 6*  
Competitive International Research Project1422652  
Competitive International Research Project Presentation1422663  
Journal Club1432632  
Laser Colloquium1414222  
Master Project Advanced Optics 11422623  
Master Project Advanced Optics 21422633  
Master-Project Applied Optics 11390403  
Master-Project Applied Optics 21390503  
Master-Seminar Photonics1432643  
Master-Seminar Terahertz Technology1432653  
Research Project1422673  
Research Project Conference Participation1422681  
Science Project1422644  
Master Seminar Biomedical Optics1432613  
Maths for Laser engineers1412622  
Scientific Working1412702  
Upon approval from the master course coordinator further courses can be acknowledged as mandatory electives. Form for acknowlegdement is available at the examination office.
* a + b + c ≥ 48 CP

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Free Elective Courses

In the free elective courses, you can set additional individual specialisations. You can freely choose from the entire range of courses offered by Ruhr University in order to deepen your knowledge. In addition to technical subjects, e.g. taking more mandatory elective courses or practical subjects than needed, you can thus add courses from science, programming, economics, languages, philosophy and more to your studies.

All courses offered in English are listed in the RUB International Course Catalogue: 

In addition to your subject courses, you can also attend German as a Foreign Language (DaF) courses at RUB. The courses are free of charge and offered at different language levels. Note that you must register in good time to be able to attend. You can find the dates for registration online at:

Course numberCPSemester
Free Elective Courses c ≥ 16*  
Free Choice141109   
* a + b + c ≥ 48 CP

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Master Thesis

The grand finale of your master's programme is your master's thesis, which you ideally do in the 4th semester. Here you work on a scientific project for 6 months and write your thesis on it. This is usually done at a chair or a working group at the RUB, but it is also possible to write your thesis at a research institute or a company. However, you will need a first examiner from RUB, so make sure you get on early.

Course numberCPSemester
Master Thesis 30  
Master Thesis14410330  

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Postal address

Ruhr University Bochum
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Universitätsstraße 150
Postbox ID 16
D-44801 Bochum

Contact us

Dr.-Ing. Maxim Cherkashin & M.Sc. Yinghui Hu
Student Advisor Lasers and Photonics

Email: LasersPhotonics(at)


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