DFG Forschergruppe 1123

Physics of Microplasmas
Modeling and Simulation of high-frequency driven Plasmas at medium and high Pressure
Project B1
Project leader: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mussenbrock, Prof. Dr. Ralf Peter Brinkmann
Recent experimental studies and numerical simulations of high-frequency driven plasmas at medium and high pressures have revealed that the spatio-temporal behavior of these devices can be surprisingly complex. Although some inroads were made, a complete understanding of the regime has not yet been established. The project aims to achieve insight into the physics of high-frequency driven plasmas at medium and high pressure on the basis of a systematic modeling approach. Using the methods of scale analysis i) a consistent model of a the high-frequency driven plasma boundary sheath at medium and high pressure and ii) a model of the discharge (as a whole including the matching network) will developed. Of particular interest are the dynamics of the system, i.e., the heating of the discharge and its relation to the discharge sustainment and stability. Concepts of preventing "-transition" will be worked out. The modeling and simulation work will be done from the outset in close connection with the related experiments in order to gain benefit from the methods of "model-based plasma diagnostics".
Kinetic modeling of microplasma discharges
Project B2
Project leader: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mussenbrock, Prof. Dr. Ralf Peter Brinkmann
Project B2 will investigate the stationary and dynamical behavior of microplasmas with particular focus on planar microdischarges and micro hollow-cathode discharges (µHCs). The project consists of three parts: First, a consistent kinetic description will be established which takes into account all relevant species in the plasma (electrons, ions, excited and non-excited neutrals) and their mutual interaction (elastic and inelastic collisions, Coulomb interaction, emission and absorption of radiation, interactions with the walls). In the second part, mathematical tools will be developed which allow to evaluate the description and to obtain physical insight. It is planned to establish both a spatially averaged global model and a spatially resolved Particle-In-Cell/Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, extensive studies of different parameter regimes will be conducted, with the goal to uncover the exact operation mechanism of the discharges – of particular interest will be the electron kinetics. Also scaling rules will be established.
Projektpartner: Fakultät für Physik