Zwischen chemisch und mathematisch

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Das Studentenmagazin "Zeit Campus" hat kürzlich einen Artikel zur interdisziplinären Forschung der UA Ruhr veröffentlicht. Fachübergreifend arbeitet hier auch Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno mit.

"Laser sind ihre Leidenschaft", beschreibt die Zeit Campus das Forschungsfeld von Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno in dem Artikel "Lösungen: mal chemisch, mal mathematisch". 

"Laser light is beautiful and has been a source of fascination to the wide public since their invention in the 60s. But lasers are so much more than only the laser sabre: They are a tool that continues to enable countless scientific breakthroughs – including many Nobel prize winning works – and continues to bring advances to technological applications of our modern society", wird Prof. Clara Saraceno, die an der Fakultät ETIT die Arbeitsgruppe "Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science" leitet, zitiert. 

"My passion for advancing laser technology stems from the multi-disciplinarity of the topic, offering a perfect balance between applied and fundamental research as well as many opportunities to work closely with both industry and academia. Improving a tool that many people need across all scientific disciplines is a great way of entering and creating new multi-disciplinary scientific networks."

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(Foto: RUB/Marquard)
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