C-PMSE - Improving frequency usage and coexistence for PMSE systems through cognitive methods

In May 2010, the Federal Network Agency auctioned off the UHF frequency range from 790 – 862 MHz for new mobile radio applications. In the future, this frequency range will no longer be available for wireless voice and music transmission at cultural, sporting and music events, TV shows, musicals, conferences and presentations. The aim of the C-PMSE project, funded by the BMWi, is to achieve interference-free transmission with wireless microphones, despite increasing user density. This should be realized through an intelligent, automated process known as 'cognitive radio'. The main idea here is to constantly search the frequency range to be used for an existing microphone line for potential interference. In the event of an imminent disruption, the transmission frequency for this route should be changed immediately. The principle sounds simple, but requires a very complex interaction of different components. Some of these are still the subject of recent research and are not commercially available yet.
Project duration: 2011 - 2013