Bulk-Reaction - Reacting and moving granular assemblies with gas flow

The subject of the SFB/Transregio "BULK-REACTION - Reacting and moving granular assemblies with gas flow" are chemical and physical processes in particle systems that are used in energy storage or in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The SFB wants to analyze the central processes in these systems with the help of three-dimensional simulations in an unprecedented level of detail. The long-term goal is to create the scientific basis for new reactors based on particle systems and the resulting products, to increase the energy efficiency of these processes and to reduce CO2 emissions. The Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Madgeburg are involved in this collaborative research center funded by the DFG.
Project duration: June 2020 – May 2024
Bulk-Reaction Homepage: https://bulk-reaction.de/
DFG-GEPRIS: informationen about the project
Media posts about the project:
RUB-News of Meike Drießen: Den CO2-Fußabdruck der Industrie verkleinern