Name of the university
Universita degli studi Cagliari – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
How many places are available per academic year?
1 place for a maximum period of 6 months
Recommended language skills:
English: A1
Italian: B1
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Name of the University
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell‘Informazione
How many places are available per academic year?
1 place for a maximum period of 6 months
Required language skills:
English: B2 (for courses taught in English)
Italian: B1 (for courses taught in Italian)
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Name of the university
Università Degli Studi Di Milano – Faculty of Science and Technology
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 6 months
Recommended language skills:
English: B2
Italian: B1
Recommended study programme:
Study programmes "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" and "Lasers and Photonics". The exchange places are also suitable for students of IT security.