Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M. Sc.)
Master's Programme
The Master's degree programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology prepares you for demanding research…
Career prospects
After completing your Master's degree, you have the opportunity to enter industry or academia directly or to found a start-up. You can also do a doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at our faculty…
Admission requirements
You have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology or in a related subject from a German or international university and meet the admission…
Study specializations in the Master's programme ETIT
You decide for yourself which area of electrical engineering and information technology you would like to specialize in. Our specializations are…
At a glance
Standard period of study: 6 semesters Degree: Bachelor of Science Instruction language: German and English Start: Winter semester Admission: admission-free
At a glance
Excellent support during your studies Bachelor's and Master's theses in cooperation with companies Industrial internships and working student positions possible Opportunities to…
Studying at the faculty ETIT
You will learn and conduct research in state-of-the-art laboratories, lecture halls and computer rooms, benefit from our faculty's cutting-edge international research…