Websites of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
RUB offers an extensive amount of information on their website. You can for example start directing from the central homepage, the website of our faculty or…
Courses offered by other faculties and institutes at RUB
You may choose courses offered by other faculties than the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology if the respective…
Courses offered at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
The vast majority of courses offered by our Faculty is taught in German. We recommend a level of German of at…
Information on studies
Aside from having a good time in Bochum and at RUB, we hope you will also enjoy your studies at our Faculty and successfully take home credits of passed courses. You may…
The city of Bochum and the surrounding area
Most likely, you will be living in Bochum while you study at RUB. The city of Bochum offers lots of activities, culture, etc. which are described at their…
Websites of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
RUB offers an extensive amount of information on their website. You can for example start directing from the central homepage, the website of our faculty or…