(Kopie 9)
[Translate to English:] Principle of the planar interferometer and SEM photo of realized systems (etch depth in silica: 100 um, sidewall roughness (Ra) < 10 nm, angle of sidewall 89…
Assembled interferometer device with fibre coupling / sensor chip, interferometer and GRIN-lens in relation to a ball pen
M. Hoffmann, S. Dickhut, E.Voges: Fiber Ribbon Alignment…
Transmission characteristics of an un-annealed PECVD SiON waveguide including coupling loss to singlemode fibres at both ends
M. Hoffmann, H. Bezzaoui, E. Voges: Micromechanical…
Optical Waveguides and optical Mems
Over the last 30 years, a number of projects in integrated optics and optical MEMS has been performed by the PI at Universität Dortmund (1990 – 2003) and TU…
This topic forms one of the long-term, overarching focal points of our own research; since 2007 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Hoffmann leads the technical committee 4.7…