Prof. Dr. Martin Hofmann


Pho­to­nics and Tera­hert­z ­Tech­no­lo­gy

Postal Address:
Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Informationtechnology
Photonics and Terahertztechnology
Postbox ID 16
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D-44801 Bo­chum

Office hours:
at any time, preferably after a short consultation

ID 04/329

(+49)(0)234 / 32 - 22259

(+49)(0)234 / 32 - 14167


Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2007: Head of the Chair for Photonics and Terahertz Technology at the RUB
  • 2001-2007: Head of the AG Optoelectronic Components and Materials (formerly: Materials in Microelectronics) at the RUB
  • 2000: Habilitation in experimental physics
  • 1996-2001: Scientific assistant in the physics department of the Philipps University of Marburg
  • 1995: Post-Doc as part of the EU's HumanCapital and Mibility program with research stays at University College Cork (Ireland), Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (Rome, Italy) and Tele Danmark Research (Hoersholm, Denmark)
  • 1994: Doctorate in the field of semiconductor lasers at the Philipps University of Marburg
  • 1991-1994: Research assistant in the semiconductor physics group at the Philipps University in Marburg
  • 1985-1991: Studied physics at the Philipps University in Marburg

Research focus

  • Optical characterisation of materials
  • Semiconductor lasers: characterisation, optimisation and new applications
  • Development of THz radiation sources
  • THz technology
  • Optical metrology for biomedical applications

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