Selection of the lab equipment available in 7 air-conditioned class 4 laser laboratories:
Laser systems:
- Femtosecond high power Ti:Sa laser in combination with an optical parametric oscillator (fs-OPO) and second harmonic generation. The system is able to cover the full spectral range between 340nm and 1600nm with a typical pulse width of 120-200fs.
- Picosecond Ti:Sa laser (680nm-1000nm)
- Ti:Sa laser, 830nm, 500mW, 30fs (own design)
- Nanosecond Nd:YAG laser in combination with an optical parametric oscillator (ns-OPO). The laser system emits 5ns pulses at an repetition rate of 10Hz und covers a spectral range of 355nm-2500nm
- Supercontinuum light source (450nm-2400nm)
- Stabilized semiconductor lasers (850nm) for THz difference frequency generation using photomixing antennas
- 100fs fiber laser (1550nm, 100Hz rep. rate) with optical delay line for pump-probe THz spectroscopy using optical photo mixing
Spectroscopy/ Detectors:
- Synchro-scan streak camera with 2ps time resolution; slow single sweep unit with up to 20ps resolution
- Various optical spectrometers with thermally cooled and LN2-cooled cameras and single detectors (LN2-Si-CCD, LN2-In¬GaAs-OMA, LN2-Ge-photodetector, …)
- Optical spectrum analyzers (350-1750nm)
- Superconducting magnet system with optical flow cryostat (4K-325K, 0-3.5T)
- Raman spectrometer (785nm pump)
- Optical autocorrelator including FROG (frequency resolved optical gating)
- Various USB-spectrometers for VIS and IR
- Golay cell/ pyroelectric detectors for FIR
- Confocal microscope (own design, lateral resolution: 500nm; axial: 4µm)
- Commercial and custom design OCT systems
- Digital holographic microscope (own design, lateral resolution: 1µm; axial: 20nm)
- Lensless digital holographic microscope (own design)
- FMCW radar system for 300GHz imaging (reflection and transmission)
- Imaging cameras for VIS and NIR
- Stokes polarimeter for polarization resolved measurements with 0,01% accuracy
- Optical power meters for high-power, low-power, pulsed and cw measurements
- Spatial-Light-Modulators
- Electrical spectrum analyzer, oscilloscopes and HF-technique in the GHz regime
- Lock-in amplifiers
- Plasma Etching System (temporarily installed in cleanroom of University of Duisburg-Essen - ZHO Duisburg)
- Bonder (Ultraschall-Ball-Wedge and Deep Access Wedge-Wedge)
- Optical simulation software (VirtualLab and Optialix)