The 6GEM consortium combines scientific excellence and mobile communications expertise at network, material, component/microchip and module level in North Rhine-Westphalia. A holistic approach is being pursued, from production and logistics to people with their needs for self-determination, privacy and security in times of climate change.

The DiEfoRa project focuses on the development of a new type of thickness measurement system for feedstocks that is suitable for industrial use. For the first time, this is to be based on focusing radar technology.

The goal of the MARIE project is to develop a compact and thus mobile material detector with integrated sub-millimeter wave electronics that is capable of detecting "on the fly" the material properties of a wide variety of objects.

The PINK project aims to research the introduction of innovative radar sensor technology in industrial applications.

The REWAL project aims to develop platform solutions for trustworthy, heterogeneous systems. For this purpose, wafer-level packaging with chiplets is chosen as the technological basis with the aim of further development for the integration of high-frequency chiplets together with complex signal processing in one package.


VERANO deals with the optimization of data processing in digital radar networks for fully automated driving.

The Chair for Integrated Systems is developing radar sensors in ADACORSA to detect the environment of drones in flight.

The goal is to solve the central problem of sensor dependence of AI evaluation units in radar technology.

In the PARTIKELRADAR project, radar-based systems for the characterization of particle flows are being researched.

The RadarVibro project is concerned with the development of a radar-based vibration test bench for the service life testing of machine parts and components with contactless detection of vibration frequency and vibration amplitude.

The SafeMe joint project is developing a tracking platform to protect vulnerable road users in the context of fully automated driving.

The central objective of URBANSens is an environmentally efficient flight route calculation of autonomous, networked flight systems with innovative sensor technology for wind field measurement

VITASecure is engaged in the development of a multi-sensor solution for non-contact vital sign monitoring in nursing homes.