PLUTO - Plasma and optical technologies

Process plasmas have proven to be indispensable tools for the production of functional layer systems and structurally modified optical surfaces. Among other things, plasmas are widely used in semiconductor technology, materials technology and medicine. However, the development and optimization of the processes used has so far been largely determined by empirical approaches, with a lack of detailed understanding of the physical and chemical interaction mechanisms. The aim of the PluTO project, which is funded by the BMBF, is therefore to bring these two areas together. The available process plasmas are to be qualified in detail using a special probe, with the data obtained forming the basis for numerical modelling. This, in turn, is experimentally verified in an iterative process so that ultimately two pillars of process design are available. Thus, on the one hand, the fundamental causal relationships would be identified, on the other hand, suitable monitoring tools for process monitoring could be used.
Project duration: 2009 - 2014