Gaining international experience from home? The university alliance UNIC makes it possible. RUB is part of the international university consortium UNIC - The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition. 

UNIC is a group of universities which are dedicated to the support of student mobility and social integration. Besides RUB, the following universities are part of UNIC:

Through the university alliance, students may participate in courses offerd by other universities - easily accessible from home. A variety of online courses are open to students of UNIC universities and can be accessed digitally. The selection encompasses various subjects from almost all areas. Here, you can find the UNIC course catalogue.


Please consider the following points: 

  • Courses from the UNIC course catalogue can only be credited with a learning agreement. Please consider this for your planning and contact the student advising service early on (several weeks prior to the start of the course).
  • the term periods within the university consortium UNIC can vary greatly from the semester periods at RUB. Please find out about the start of the respective courses early on.

It is generally possible to credit the modules as free electives or non-technical electives as part of our bachelor's or master's porgrammes.


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fa­kul­tät für Elek­tro­tech­nik
und In­for­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
ID-Ge­bäu­de, Post­fach 11
D-44801 Bo­chum

Postal Address

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fa­kul­tät für Elek­tro­tech­nik
und In­for­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
ID-Ge­bäu­de, Post­fach 11
D-44801 Bo­chum


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