Name of the university
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – Escola Tecnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronautica de Terrassa (ESEIAAT)
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 10 months
Recommended language skills:
Spanish: A2
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of the study programmes "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" and "Lasers and Photonics".
Courses can only be taken at Escola Tecnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronautica de Terrassa.

Name of the university
Universidad del Pais Vasco – Faculty of Science and Technology
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 9 months
Recommended language skills:
English: B2
Spanish: B1
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Name of the university
Univeristat de Lleida – Escola Politecnica Superior
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 12 months
Recommended language skills:
Spanish: B1 (if you speak a Romance language, level A2 is sufficient)
Catalan: B1
English: B1
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Name of the university:
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 5 months
Required language skills:
Spanish: B1, B2 recommended
Recommended study programme:
Study programmes "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology", and "Lasers and Photonics". The exchange places are also suitable for students of IT security.
The majority of courses has to be taken at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática.
Exchange students at the URJC require a passport or identity card valid for the entire period of their stay in order to have no restrictions on course selection.

Name of the university
Universidad de Oviedo – Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón
How many places are available per academic year?
2 places for a maximum period of 10 months
Recommended language skills:
Spanish: B1
English: B1
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Name of the university
Universidad de Sevilla – Escuela Superior de Ingenieros
How many places are available per academic year?
1 place for a maximum period of 10 months
Recommended language skills:
Spanish: B1
Recommended study programme:
Most suitable for students of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
All courses - with the exception of two when staying for one semester or three when staying for two semesters - have to be taken at Escuela Superior de Ingenieros.