Each year, students of our faculty can be assigned an exchange place all over Europe in the context of the European exchange programme Erasmus. Our students have the possibility to get to know new universities, cultures and cities at one of over 35 partner universities respectively.

Information on our partner universities as well as on our other exchange programmes are given on our websites and at our information events "Auslandsstudium und Austauschprogramme der Fakultät", which are held every semester. Besides the official information of the student advicsing service and the International Office, students who completed a semester abroad in previous years will talk about their experience.

The dates for our information event are published on the website of the student advising service. All students who are interested are welcome!


Students who participate in the exchange programme and want to study abroad, are asked to submit their application to the dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Ruhr-University via email through studienberatung(at) Your application should be sent as one pdf document and contain a covering letter (incl. a brief description of your situation of studies and future study plan), a CV, and your current transcript of records. Please state your exchange university of choice and at least two alternatives in your application.

General Information

Students who are planning a stay abroad should collect information at least one year in advance and take note of the deadlines. In order to ensure a smooth organisation and stay abroad, you should keep some things in mind.

What is the earliest stage in the study programmes recommended for a stay abroad?

A stay abroad is recommended after the 4th semester at the earliest (bachelor) or during your master's. At the time of the application, you should have gained at least 60 ECTS in your bachelor's programme.

Will my credits be recognised for my degree in Bochum?

Even before the application, it is recommendable to explore the range of curricula offered by the partner universities. Possible recognitions will be determined before the departure. Usually, there is nothing to stop a seamless integration of courses passed abroad into the local study programme.

Termtimes of the partner university

The termtimes of our partner universities often differ from the ones of RUB. This should be considered when planning the stay abroad. You can find the termtimes on the website of the respective university (keyword "academic calendar").

Grant - what will be payed for?

You can apply for a so-called mobility grant to finance your stay abroad through Erasmus. The amount of the monthly allowance is re-adjusted every year and goes by country groups. Additionally, you may be applicable for Erasmus additional funding, promoting sustainability, equal opportunities and inclusion. Currently, the Erasmus programme is free of tuition fees.

Postal Address

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fa­kul­tät für Elek­tro­tech­nik
und In­for­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
ID-Ge­bäu­de, Post­fach 11
D-44801 Bo­chum


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