Project website FALKE online

Created by Antje Pohl | |   Aktuelle Meldungen | InsysFALKE

Detailed information on the FALKE (Flight System Assisted Management of Complex Operations) research project is now available on the website set up for this purpose.

The website for the project is now available at the following link: https://pro­jekt-fal­ke.​org/​ 

The vision of the project is a semi-automated triage of patients in the event of a mass casualty incident (MANV) by means of contactless detection of vital signs using various sensors installed on an unmanned aerial system. The individual triage results of the patients are then forwarded to a telemedically connected lead emergency physician, who assesses the results. This supports the rapid triage and prioritization of the necessary care, in terms of treatment and transport to hospitals. The chair contributes to this project its expertise in the field of contactless vital sign detection by means of radar.

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