Kickoff Meeting Radarmeter-3D: Position Control for Industrial Robots

Created by Merle Passmann | |   Aktuelle Meldungen | InsysRadarmeter-3D

First official project meeting of Radarmeter-3D on 22.05.2017.

On 22.05.2017 the time had come! The project partners got together for the 1st official project meeting of Radarmeter3D. The joint day was a complete success. And so the roadmap for the project process could be coordinated. Already since 01.03.2017, the use of our radar systems measuring with micrometer accuracy is also being researched as an auxiliary system for precise 3D positioning of industrial robots. In the project Radarmeter-3D, an intelligent multi-sensor radar system for precise readjustment of the robot position is to be developed in the next 3 years and the large and so far unsolved problem of imprecise absolute positioning of industrial robots can be solved in the future by a 3D radar position sensor. The project was successfully applied for in the lead market competitions of LeitmarktAgenturNRW and is funded by the state of NRW and the EU.

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