Another member in our team

Created by Merle Passmann | |   Aktuelle Meldungen | Insys

Alexander Julian Golkowski starts at the Chair for Integrated Systems.

This month we are pleased to welcome another employee. As of 01.03.2017 we could win Alexander Julian Golkowski for us. Alexander has successfully completed his Master's degree in Lübeck, now he is drawn back home and joins us here for the start of the new project Radarmeter 3D. The research project "Radarmeter-3D" deals with the development of a radar-based sensor system for adaptive compensation of the 3D position error of industrial robots. Since current industrial robots do not have the necessary positioning accuracy for some applications, the aim is to use a micrometer-precise radar sensor system to measure and readjust the industrial robot in three dimensions. Together with partners from research and industry, a highly accurate laboratory demonstrator is being designed and tested for use.

Welcome Alexander! We are looking forward to working with you!

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