Research assistants

Student Assistants

  • B.Sc. Pascal Moczynski
  • Johannes Kamler
  • André Hellmuth


  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Melbert †
  • Dr.-Ing. Manuel Fischnaller
  • Dr.-Ing. Nils Lohmann
  • Dr.-Ing. Christopher Lüke
  • Dr.-Ing. Fabian Niestroj
  • Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Skiba
  • Dr.-Ing. Patrick Weßkamp

Postal Address

Ruhr University Bochum
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Research Group for Automobile Electronics
Postbox ID 37
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum

Contact us

Administration Office
Room: ID 03/337
Phone: (+49) (0) 234 32 - 27113
Fax: (+49) (0) 234 32 - 14168
Email: simone.niemann(at)
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