Project website: https://radarsight.nrw
Orientation in unfamiliar environments remains a major challenge for blind and visually impaired people, especially when these environments are subject to variable and dynamic influences and can change on a daily basis. This significantly limits not only mobility, but also the independence of those affected. Available aids, such as the tried and tested long cane, usually offer only limited detection of the environment. Especially targets at chest or head level can lead to dangerous situations.
The goal of the RadarSight project is to develop a novel radar-based assistive device called the Torch. The hand-held aid is designed to enable the blind and visually impaired to accurately sense their entire surroundings and perceive them by means of acoustic and haptic feedback. The main focus is on making the use and interpretation of the environment as intuitive as possible. Through various operating modes, the system is intended to be used in almost all situations and thus sustainably enrich the everyday life of the blind and visually impaired.

Patrick Kwiatkowski, Alexander Orth, Marc Hamme