Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hel­mut Er­mert

Eme­ri­tier­ter / pen­sio­nier­ter Pro­fes­sor
Lehr­stuhl Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik

For­schungs­grup­pe Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik
Ge­bäu­de ID 03/343
Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
44780 Bo­chum

ID 03/343

(+49)(0)234 / 32 - 22842

(+49)(0)234 / 32 - 02842





  • 1960–1965: Stu­di­um der Elek­tro­tech­nik an der Rhei­nisch-West­fä­li­schen Tech­ni­schen Hoch­schu­le Aa­chen (Dipl.-Ing.)
  • 1966–1971: Wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Mit­ar­bei­ter am In­sti­tut für Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik, RWTH Aa­chen
  • 1970: Pro­mo­ti­on (Dr.-Ing.) auf dem Ge­biet der Mi­kro­wel­len­tech­nik, RWTH Aa­chen
  • 1971: Ober­inge­nieur am In­sti­tut für Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik der Uni­ver­si­tät Er­lan­gen-Nürn­berg
  • 1975: Ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on (Dr.-Ing. habil.) und 1976 Pro­fes­sur für Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik an der Tech­ni­schen Fa­kul­tät der
    Uni­ver­si­tät Er­lan­gen-Nürn­berg
  • 1987–2007: In­ha­ber des Lehr­stuhls für Hoch- und Höchst­fre­quenz­tech­nik (1989 um­be­nannt in „Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik“)
    an der Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum (RUB)
  • 1991–1992 und 2003–2004: Dekan der Fa­kul­tät für Elek­tro­tech­nik und In­for­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik (RUB)
  • 1995–1997: Vor­sit­zen­der der Deut­schen Ge­sell­schaft für Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik (DGBMT)
  • Seit 2001 (bzw. 2011): Fel­low (bzw. Li­fe-Fel­low) des IEEE (USA)
  • Seit 2001: Or­dent­li­ches Mit­glied der Nord­rhein-West­fä­li­schen Aka­de­mie der Wis­sen­schaf­ten
  • 2001–2007: Spre­cher und Ko­or­di­na­tor des „Kom­pe­tenz­zen­trums Me­di­zin­tech­nik Ruhr“
  • Seit 2002: Mit­glied von aca­tech (Deut­sche Aka­de­mie der Tech­nik­wis­sen­schaf­ten)
  • Seit 2004: Trä­ger des Eh­ren­rings des VDE
  • Seit 2007: Ent­pflich­tet, Lei­tung der For­schungs­grup­pe Hoch­fre­quenz­tech­nik an der RUB
  • 2010–2012: Vi­ze­prä­si­dent der Nord­rhein-West­fä­li­schen Aka­de­mie der Wis­sen­schaf­ten und der Küns­te
    und Se­kre­tar der Klas­se für In­ge­nieur- und Wirt­schafts­wis­sen­schaf­ten
  • Seit 2010: Gast­pro­fes­sor an der Fried­rich-Alex­an­der-Uni­ver­si­tät Er­lan­gen-Nürn­berg (FAU)


  • Mi­kro­wel­len­tech­nik und Ul­tra­schall­tech­nik
  • Me­di­zin­tech­nik
  • Dia­gnos­ti­sche Ab­bil­dungs­ver­fah­ren in Me­di­zin und Tech­nik



Bild­ge­bung in Kli­nik und For­schung: Bei­trag zur In­di­vi­dua­li­sier­ten Me­di­zin?

Otmar Scho­ber, Olaf Dös­sel, Hel­mut Er­mert, Her­mann Re­quardt, Si­byl­le Zieg­ler, Ger­hard Adam - In Rö­Fo-Fort­schrit­te auf dem Ge­biet der Rönt­gen­strah­len und der bild­ge­ben­den Ver­fah­ren (Vol. 189, No. 10, pp. 939-944). © Georg Thie­me Ver­lag KG.

Ima­ging in cli­nic and re­se­arch: cont­ri­bu­ti­on to in­di­vi­dua­li­zed me­di­ci­ne?

Otmar Scho­ber, Olaf Dös­sel, Hel­mut Er­mert, Her­mann Re­quardt, Si­byl­le Zieg­ler, Ger­hard Adam - Nu­kle­ar­me­di­zin, 56(5), 157-161.

A re­al-ti­me ul­tra­sound pro­cess to­mo­gra­phy sys­tem using a re­flec­tion-mo­de re­con­struc­tion tech­ni­que

Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Tho­mas Musch - Flow Me­a­su­re­ment and In­stru­men­ta­ti­on, Vol. 53, Part A, March 2017, pp. 107-115.


3D-pul­se-echo-to­mo­gra­phy for bre­ast can­cer and rheu­ma­to­id ar­thri­tis dia­gno­sis — add-on-sys­tem and la­test in-vi­vo-re­sults

An­dre­as Koch, Flo­ri­an Stil­ler, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - 2016 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um (IUS), 2016, 1 – 4


Eva­lua­ti­on of Re­sults from Ul­tra­sound Pro­cess To­mo­gra­phy of Mul­ti­pha­se Media

Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Tho­mas Musch, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: 2015 7th In­ter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­si­um on Pro­cess To­mo­gra­phy (ISPT7), 2015. Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny.

An ul­tra­sound to­mo­gra­phy sys­tem with po­ly­vi­nyl al­co­hol (PVA) mol­dings for cou­pling: in vivo re­sults for 3-D pul­se-echo ima­ging of the fe­ma­le bre­ast

An­dre­as Koch, Flo­ri­an Stil­ler, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Tran­sac­tions on Ul­tra­so­nics, Fer­ro­elec­trics, and Fre­quen­cy Con­trol, 2015, Vo­lu­me: 62, Issue: 2, 266 - 279


A non-in­va­si­ve sys­tem for ul­tra­sound pro­cess to­mo­gra­phy of mul­ti­pha­se flows

Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Hel­mut Er­mert, Malte Mal­lach, Tho­mas Musch, Micha­el Vogt - Pro­cee­dings: In­ter­na­tio­nal Work­shop on Pro­cess To­mo­gra­phy, pp. 1-10, Sept. 16–18, 2014, Jeju, South Korea.

Si­mu­la­ti­on of full-ang­le ul­tra­sound pro­cess to­mo­gra­phy with two-pha­se media using a ray-tra­cing tech­ni­que

Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Tho­mas Musch, Hel­mut Er­mert, Micha­el Vogt - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2014 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 57-60, Sept. 3-6, 2014, Chi­ca­go, IL, USA.


Hel­mut Er­mert, Chris­ti­an Han­sen - in: Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Band 7: Me­di­zi­ni­sche Bild­ge­bung (Hrsg. v. Dös­sel, Olaf / Buzug, Thors­ten M.), S. 217 - 326. 2014 Wal­ter de Gruy­ter GmbH, Ber­lin/Bos­ton ISBN 978-3-11-025205-7


Si­mu­la­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on of fan-shaped beam ul­tra­sound trans­du­cers for mul­ti­pha­se flow pro­cess to­mo­gra­phy

Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Tho­mas Musch, Hel­mut Er­mert, Micha­el Vogt - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2013 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1622-1625, July 21-25, 2013, Pra­gue, Czech Re­pu­blic.

High-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­so­nic sys­tems for high-re­so­lu­ti­on ran­ging and ima­ging

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: Ad­van­ces in Acoustic Microsco­py and High Re­so­lu­ti­on Ima­ging: From Prin­ci­ples to Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons, (Ed. R.G. Maev), pp. 93-123, Wi­ley-VCH, Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny, 2013.

A new 3D-to­mo­gra­phic ul­tra­sound ima­ging con­cept for bre­ast can­cer and rheu­ma­to­id ar­thri­tis dia­gnostics avo­iding water bath tech­ni­ques

An­dre­as Koch, Mar­kus Gen­ser, Flo­ri­an Stil­ler, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - 2013 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um (IUS), 2013, 655 - 658


Me­a­su­re­ment and mul­ti­va­ria­te ana­ly­sis of ul­tra­sound pa­ra­me­ters for quan­ti­ta­ti­ve cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of li­quids

Micha­el Vogt, Sa­scha Lan­ge­ner, Jo­han­nes Kunze, Tho­mas Musch, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2012 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1137-1140, Oct. 7-10, 2012, Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny.

High fre­quen­cy ul­tra­so­nic ima­ging based on a com­bi­na­ti­on of syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing and li­mi­ted angle com­poun­ding: Small ani­mals ima­ging re­sults

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Si­mo­ne Ma­schau­er, Olaf Pran­te, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings (in­vi­ted): 9th Eu­ropean Con­fe­rence on Syn­the­tic Aper­tu­re Radar (EUSAR 2012), pp. 38-41, April 24-26, 2012, Nürn­berg, Ger­ma­ny.

2D trans­mis­si­on ima­ging with a cros­sed-ar­ray con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on for de­fect de­tec­tion

An­dre­as Koch, Ste­fan Gru­ber, Tho­mas Schar­rer, Karl Tho­mas Fendt, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - 2012 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2012, 36 - 39

: In-vi­vo re­sults for rheu­ma­to­id ar­thri­tis dia­gno­sis with a 360° pul­se-echo ima­ging sys­tem

An­dre­as Koch, Ste­fa­nie Fin­zel, An­dre­as Ko­bler, Georg Schett, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - 2012 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2012, 134 - 137

Nu­me­ri­cal ray-tra­cing in full angle spa­ti­al com­poun­ding

An­dre­as Koch, Ingo Koch, Chris­ti­an Han­sen, Rein­hard Lerch, Hel­mut Er­mert - In Acousti­cal Ima­ging (pp. 103-113). Sprin­ger, Dord­recht, 2012.


Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of li­quids and emul­si­ons by means of high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (15-35 MHz)

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE 2011 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, Oct. 18-21, 2011, Or­lan­do, FL, USA, in press

A high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound ima­ging sys­tem com­bi­ning li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­poun­ding and mo­del-ba­sed syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son., Fer­ro­elect., Freq. Contr., Vol. 58, No. 7, July 2011, pp. 1355-1365

High-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound small ani­mal ima­ging uti­li­zing li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al-com­poun­ding and mo­del-ba­sed syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son., Fer­ro­elect., Freq. Contr., Vol. 58, No. 7, July 2011, front cover


A high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound ima­ging sys­tem using li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­poun­ding and syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing

Jörn Opret­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2010 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1644-1647, Oct. 11-14, 2010, San Diego, CA, USA

A syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing tech­ni­que with op­ti­mi­zed be­am­for­ming for high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2010 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 2303-2306, Oct. 11-14, 2010, San Diego, CA, USA

A mo­del-ba­sed syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing tech­ni­que for high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound ima­ging

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: 8th Eu­ropean Con­fe­rence on Syn­the­tic Aper­tu­re Radar (EUSAR 2010), pp. 430-433, June 7-10, 2010, Aa­chen, Ger­ma­ny

Ul­tra­so­nic micro­scan­ning

Micha­el Vogt, Jörn Opretz­ka, Chris­ti­an Per­rey, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings of the In­sti­tu­ti­on of Me­cha­ni­cal En­gi­neers, Part H: Jour­nal of En­gi­nee­ring in Me­di­ci­ne, Spe­cial Issue on Ul­tra­so­nic Ima­ging and The­ra­py, Vol. 224, No. 2, Feb. 2010, pp. 225-240

Re­frac­tion and time of flight cor­rec­tions in 3D ul­tra­sound com­pu­ted to­mo­gra­phy

An­dre­as Koch, Chris­ti­an Han­sen, Nils Hüt­te­bräu­ker, Hel­mut Er­mert - 2010 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2010, 213 - 216


A mo­del-ba­sed syn­the­tic aper­tu­re image re­con­struc­tion tech­ni­que for high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2009 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 377-380, Sept. 20-23, 2009, Rome, Italy

Syn­the­tic aper­tu­re fo­cu­sing tech­ni­que for high-re­so­lu­ti­on ima­ging of sur­face struc­tu­res with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Jörn Opretz­ka, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2009 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1514-1517, Sept. 20-23, 2009, Rome, Italy

Ul­tra­so­nic two-port me­a­su­re­ments for the re­con­struc­tion of laye­red media pro­per­ties

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Fre­quenz, Vol. 63, July / Au­gust 2009, pp. 147-151

De­ter­mi­na­ti­on of a mean sound ve­lo­ci­ty in the fe­ma­le bre­ast for ar­ti­fact re­duc­tion in Full Angle Spa­ti­al Com­poun­ding

Chris­ti­an Han­sen, Nils Hüt­te­bräu­ker, Wilko Wil­ke­ning, Hel­mut Er­mert, Mar­kus Hol­len­horst, Lothar Heu­ser, Ger­not Schul­te-Al­te­dor­ne­burg - 2009 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2009, 538 - 541


3D small ani­mal ima­ging with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (20 MHz) using li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­poun­ding

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2008 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 130-133, Nov. 2-5, 2008, Bei­jing, China

A cor­rec­tion sche­me for re­frac­tion and ti­me-of-flight ar­ti­facts in li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­pound ima­ging with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Jörn Opretz­ka, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2008 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1378-1381, Nov. 2-5, 2008, Bei­jing, China

Pa­ra­me­tric ima­ging of spe­cu­lar re­flec­tions and dif­fu­se scat­te­ring of tis­sue from mul­ti-di­rec­tio­nal ul­tra­sound echo si­gnal data

Micha­el Vogt, Jörn Opretz­ka, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2008 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1963-1966, Nov. 2-5, 2008, Bei­jing, China

Li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­pound ima­ging of skin with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (20 MHz)

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert

Ul­tra­sound bre­ast ima­ging using Full Angle Spa­ti­al Com­poun­ding: In-vi­vo re­sults

Chris­ti­an Han­sen, Nils Hüt­te­bräu­ker, Alex­an­der Schas­se, Wilko Wil­ke­ning, Hel­mut Er­mert, Mar­kus Hol­len­horst, Lothar Heu­ser, Ger­not Schul­te-Al­te­dor­ne­burg - 2008 IEEE Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2008, 54 - 57


Li­mi­ted-ang­le spa­ti­al com­pound ima­ging of skin with high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (20 MHz)

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2007 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 240-243, Oct. 28-31, 2007, New York, NY, USA

In vivo ul­tra­sound bio­microsco­py of skin: Spec­tral sys­tem cha­rac­te­ris­tics and in­ver­se fil­te­ring op­ti­miza­t­i­on

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son., Fer­ro­elect., Freq. Contr., Vol. 54, No. 8, Au­gust 2007, pp. 1551-1559

Pre­ope­ra­ti­ve ul­tra­so­nic as­sess­ment of thin me­la­no­cy­tic skin le­si­ons using a 100 MHz ul­tra­sound trans­du­cer: A com­pa­ra­ti­ve study

Thilo Gam­bich­ler, Georg Mous­sa, K Bah­ren­berg, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, D Weyhe, Peter Alt­mey­er, Klaus Hoff­mann - Der­ma­to­lo­gic Sur­ge­ry, Vol. 33, No. 7, July 2007, pp. 818-824

Ul­tra­sound based na­vi­ga­ti­on sys­tem for mi­nim­al­ly in­va­si­ve sur­ge­ry at the lum­bar spine wi­t­hin Or­tho­MIT

Karin Hen­sel, Su­san­ne Win­ter, Hel­mut Er­mert, Georg Schmitz, Hold, S., De­ko­mi­en, C., Mil­den­stein, M., Bren­del, B., Buzug, T. M., Holz, D., Weber, S., Bon­gartz, J., Kohl-Bareis, M., Hart­mann, U. - Ad­van­ces in Me­di­cal En­gi­nee­ring, Sprin­ger, 2007, 114, 224-229

A Trai­ning Sta­ti­on to Fa­ci­li­ta­te Tran­scra­ni­al Ul­tra­sound Ima­ging

Han­sen, C., En­gel­hardt, M., Opretz­ka, J., Hold, S., Bren­del, B., Karin Hen­sel, Kro­gi­as, C., Bren­ke, C., Schmie­der, K., Hel­mut Er­mert - 2007 IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, New York, USA, 2007, pp. 1567-1570.

Ein Trai­nings­mo­dul für tran­skra­ni­el­le Ul­tra­schall­un­ter­su­chun­gen

Han­sen, C., En­gel­hart, M., Hold, S., Bren­del, B., Karin Hen­sel, Kro­gi­as, C., Bren­ke, C., Schmie­der, K., Hel­mut Er­mert - 1. Jah­res­ta­gung der Deut­schen Ge­sell­schaft für Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Aa­chen, Ger­ma­ny, 2007, pp. G3-5. & 41. Jah­res­ta­gung der Deut­schen Ge­sell­schaft für Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Aa­chen, Ger­ma­ny, 2007, pp. G3-5.

Frü­he­re Pu­bli­ka­tio­nen

Hel­mut Er­mert

In­tro­duc­tion of a Vi­su­al Trai­ning Mo­du­le for Tran­scra­ni­al Ul­tra­sound In­ves­ti­ga­ti­on of the Brain

En­gel­hardt, M., Han­sen, C., Hold, S., Kro­gi­as, C., Bren­ke, C., Bren­de, I.B., Karin Hen­sel, Hel­mut Er­mert, Har­ders, A., Schmie­der, K. - 21st In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress and Ex­hi­bi­ti­on of Com­pu­ter As­sis­ted Ra­dio­lo­gy and Sur­ge­ry (CARS 2007), Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny, 2007, p. 448.


Scat­te­ring pa­ra­me­ters me­a­su­re­ment for the de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of laye­red media pro­per­ties with 25 MHz ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2006 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1402-1405, Oct. 3-6, 2006, Van­cou­ver, Ca­na­da

Ul­tra­sound Bio­microsco­py of skin: Spa­ti­al re­so­lu­ti­on con­s­i­de­ra­ti­ons and cli­ni­cal re­sults

Micha­el Vogt, Georg Mous­sa, Micha­el Sand, Peter Alt­mey­er, Klaus Hoff­mann, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: Ge­mein­sa­me Jah­res­ta­gung der Deut­schen, Ös­ter­rei­chi­schen und Schwei­ze­ri­schen Ge­sell­schaf­ten für Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Sept. 6-9, 2006, Zü­rich, Swit­z­er­land, Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Sept. 2006

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of Paro­tid Gland Tu­mors using So­no­his­to­lo­gy

S. Sie­bers, U. Schei­pers, F. Gott­wald, A. Boz­za­to, Mar­tin P. Mi­en­ki­na, J. Zenk, H. Iro, Hel­mut Er­mert - Proc IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2006, pp 645-648

High-re­so­lu­ti­on so­no­gra­phy of the epi­der­mis in vivo

Ste­phan El Gamm­al, Clau­dia El Gamm­al, Peter Alt­mey­er, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: Hand­book of Non-In­va­si­ve Me­thods and the Skin, (Eds. J. Serup, G.B.E. Jemec, G.L. Grove; 2nd edi­ti­on), pp. 245-255, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2006

High-re­so­lu­ti­on ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: Bio­en­gi­nee­ring of the Skin: Skin Ima­ging and Ana­ly­sis, (Eds. K.P. Wil­helm, P. Els­ner, E. Be­r­ar­de­sca, H.I. Mai­b­ach; 2nd edi­ti­on), pp. 83-97, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2006

Mul­ti­modal ima­ging - what can we ex­pect?

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: Bio­en­gi­nee­ring of the Skin: Skin Ima­ging and Ana­ly­sis, (Eds. K.P. Wil­helm, P. Els­ner, E. Be­r­ar­de­sca, H.I. Mai­b­ach; 2nd edi­ti­on), pp. 17-29, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2006

So­no­gra­phy of the skin in health and di­sea­se

Ste­phan El Gamm­al, Clau­dia El Gamm­al, Peter Alt­mey­er, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - In: Bio­en­gi­nee­ring of the Skin: Skin Ima­ging and Ana­ly­sis, (Eds. K.P. Wil­helm, P. Els­ner, E. Be­r­ar­de­sca, H.I. Mai­b­ach; 2nd edi­ti­on), pp. 353-375, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2006


In vivo ul­tra­sound bio­microsco­py of skin with 20 MHz and 100 MHz range ul­tra­sound: In­ver­se echo si­gnal fil­te­ring op­ti­miza­t­i­on

Micha­el Vogt, Bodo Paul, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2005 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 508-511, Sept. 18-21, 2005, Rot­ter­dam, The Nether­lands

High fre­quen­cy ul­tra­so­nic ima­ging: Sys­tem de­sign and per­for­mance op­ti­miza­t­i­on

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Fre­quenz, Vol. 59, May / June 2005, pp. 150-153

A new high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound skin ima­ging sys­tem: Ima­ging pro­per­ties and cli­ni­cal in vivo re­sults

Micha­el Vogt, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Georg Mous­sa, Micha­el Sand, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: Acousti­cal Ima­ging Vol. 28, March 20-23, 2005, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 137-144, Sprin­ger, Dord­recht, The Nether­lands, 2007

De­ve­lop­ment and eva­lua­ti­on of a high-fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound-ba­sed sys­tem for in vivo strain ima­ging of the skin

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son., Fer­ro­elect., Freq. Contr., Vol. 52, No. 3, March 2005, pp. 375-385

Strain ima­ging of the skin uti­li­zing high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son., Fer­ro­elect., Freq. Contr., Vol. 52, No. 3, March 2005, front cover

Ac­ce­le­ra­ted block-ba­sed 2D mo­ti­on esti­ma­ti­on for pre-pro­ces­sing in elas­to­gra­phy

Chaudhry, S., Kha­led, W., Mi­chiel Pos­te­ma, Hel­mut Er­mert, Georg Schmitz - Bio­med Tech (Bio­med Eng) 2005 50(S1):637-638.

De­ve­lop­ment of broad­band, om­ni­di­rec­tio­nal trans­du­cers for NDE ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons

O. Keit­mann-Cur­des, M. Pa­ru­sel, W. Wil­ke­ning, Mar­tin P. Mi­en­ki­na, Hel­mut Er­mert - Proc IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um 2005, pp 411-414


Mul­ti­moda­le Ab­bil­dung der Haut mit hoch­fre­quen­tem Ul­tra­schall und Op­ti­scher Ko­hä­renz­to­mo­gra­phie

Micha­el Vogt, Alex­an­der Knüt­tel, Thors­ten Grü­nen­dick, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: Ak­tu­el­le Me­tho­den der La­ser- und Me­di­zin­phy­sik, 2. Re­ma­ge­ner Phy­sik­ta­ge, Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2004, Re­ma­gen, Ger­ma­ny, (Hrsg.: Hart­mann, Kohl-Bareis, He­ring, Lons­da­le, Bon­gartz, Buzug), S. 38-42, VDE Ver­lag, Ber­lin, Of­fen­bach, 2005

Mul­ti­modal ima­ging of the skin with high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound, op­ti­cal co­he­rence to­mo­gra­phy and epilumi­nescence microsco­py

Micha­el Vogt, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Thors­ten Grü­nen­dick, Alex­an­der Knüt­tel, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: 38. Jah­res­ta­gung der DGBMT, Sept. 22-24, 2004, Il­menau, Ger­ma­ny, Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Vol. 49, Suppl. 2, pp. 854-855, Sept. 2004

Sta­ging of deep venous throm­bo­sis using ul­tra­sound

Ste­fan Sie­bers, Bruno Geier, Micha­el Vogt, Ul­rich Schei­pers, Achim Mumme, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: 38. Jah­res­ta­gung der DGBMT, Sept. 22-24, 2004, Il­menau, Ger­ma­ny, Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Vol. 49, Suppl. 2, pp. 846-847, Sept. 2004

Bio­microsco­py of the skin uti­li­zing high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound in a multi modal ap­proach

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings (in­vi­ted): Work­shop on Ul­tra­sound in Bio­me­a­su­re­ments, Dia­gnostics and The­ra­py, pp. 69-73, Sept. 7-9, 2004, Gdansk-So­bies­ze­wo, Po­land

High fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound for high re­so­lu­ti­on ima­ging: Tech­ni­cal con­cepts and ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons in der­ma­to­lo­gy

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings (in­vi­ted): Work­shop on Ul­tra­sound in Bio­me­a­su­re­ments, Dia­gnostics and The­ra­py, pp. 115-121, Sept. 7-9, 2004, Gdansk-So­bies­ze­wo, Po­land

Ana­ly­sis and me­a­su­re­ment of spec­tral cha­rac­te­ris­tics and spa­ti­al re­so­lu­ti­on of high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound ima­ging sys­tems

Micha­el Vogt, Bodo Paul, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2004 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 2137-2140, Au­gust 24-27, 2004, Mon­tre­al, Ca­na­da

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of venous throm­bo­sis com­bi­ning ul­tra­sound elas­to­gra­phy and tis­sue cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on

Ste­fan Sie­bers, Bruno Geier, Ul­rich Schei­pers, Micha­el Vogt, Achim Mumme, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2004 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1761-1764, Au­gust 24-27, 2004, Mon­tre­al, Ca­na­da

Esti­ma­ti­on of 2D dis­pla­ce­ment and strain field in high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound based elas­to­gra­phy

Micha­el Vogt, Chris­ti­an Per­rey, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2004 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 376-379, Au­gust 24-27, 2004, Mon­tre­al, Ca­na­da

3D ul­tra­so­nic ima­ging and con­tour de­tec­tion in sheet metal hy­dro­for­ming

Keit­mann-Cur­des, O., Karin Hen­sel, Knoll, P., Meier, H., Hel­mut Er­mert - Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2004 IEEE, 2004, pp. 697-700.

Ein­satz de­for­mier­ba­rer Kon­tur­mo­del­le in der Ul­tra­schall­trans­mis­si­onst­o­mo­gra­phie

M. Ash­faq, Mar­tin P. Mi­en­ki­na, Hel­mut Er­mert - Bio­me­di­cal En­gi­nee­ring, Vol 49 (2004, Suppl 2, Pt 2), pp 890-891

Esti­ma­ti­on of time of flight for ul­tra­so­nic re­flex-trans­mis­si­on to­mo­gra­phy with ac­tive con­tour mo­dells

M. Ash­faq, Mar­tin P. Mi­en­ki­na, Hel­mut Er­mert - Proc IEEE In­ter­na­tio­nal Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, 2004, pp 1433-1436


De­ve­lop­ment of a high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound skin ima­ging sys­tem: Op­ti­miza­t­i­on uti­li­zing time do­main re­flec­to­metry and net­work ana­ly­sis

Micha­el Vogt, Bodo Paul, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2003 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 744-747, Oct. 5-8, 2003, Ho­no­lu­lu, HI, USA

A high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound elas­to­gra­phy sys­tem for in vivo skin elas­ti­ci­ty ima­ging

Micha­el Vogt, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: World Con­gress on Ul­tra­so­nics, WCU 2003, pp. 393-396, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Paris, Fran­ce

Com­pa­ri­son of high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound and op­ti­cal co­he­rence to­mo­gra­phy as mo­da­li­ties for high re­so­lu­ti­on and non in­va­si­ve skin ima­ging

Micha­el Vogt, Alex­an­der Knüt­tel, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 2003, pp. 116-121

In vivo bio­microsco­py of the skin with high-re­so­lu­ti­on ma­gne­tic re­so­nan­ce ima­ging and high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Anja Lif­fers, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Vol. 48, No. 5, May 2003, pp. 130-134

Prin­ci­ple, ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons and li­mi­ta­ti­ons of ul­tra­sound elas­to­gra­phy

Kars­ten Hil­taw­sky, Walaa Kha­led, An­dre­as Lo­renz, Chris­ti­an Per­rey, An­dre­as Pe­s­aven­to, Ul­rich Schei­pers, Ste­fan Sie­bers, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: Acousti­cal Ima­ging Vol. 27, March 24-27, 2003, Saar­brü­cken, Ger­ma­ny, pp. 503-510, Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Pu­blis­hers, Dord­recht, Bos­ton, Lon­don, 2004


In vivo eva­lua­ti­on and ima­ging of skin elas­ti­ci­ty ap­p­ly­ing high fre­quen­cy (22 MHz) ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Sven Scha­ren­berg, Rü­di­ger Scha­ren­berg, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2002 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1819-1822, Oct. 8-11, 2002, Mu­nich, Ger­ma­ny

Mor­pho­lo­gi­sche Ab­bil­dung der Haut und Blut­fluß­ab­bil­dung in klei­nen Ge­fä­ßen mit hoch­fre­quen­tem (50/100 MHz) Ul­tra­schall

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Ste­phan El Gamm­al, Klaus Hoff­mann, Mar­kus Stü­cker, Peter Alt­mey­er - Pro­cee­dings: 28. Deut­sche Jah­res­ta­gung für Akus­tik, DAGA 2002, March 4-7, 2002, Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny


Kon­zep­te für die hoch­auf­lö­sen­de Blut­fluß­ab­bil­dung mit hoch­fre­quen­tem Ul­tra­schall (50 MHz) in der Der­ma­to­lo­gie

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Ste­phan El Gamm­al, Klaus Hoff­mann, Mar­kus Stü­cker, Peter Alt­mey­er - Pro­cee­dings: 35. Jah­res­ta­gung der DGBMT, Sept. 19-21, 2001, Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny, Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Band 46, Er­gän­zungs­band 1, S. 84-85, Sept. 2001


Com­pa­ri­son of time and fre­quen­cy do­main ap­proa­ches for blood ve­lo­ci­ty esti­ma­ti­on in small ves­sels using high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Micha­el Vogt, Arno Pluta, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 2000 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1521-1524, Oct. 22-25, 2000, San Juan, Pu­er­to Rico

In-vi­vo Bio­mi­kro­sko­pie der Haut mit Ma­gnetre­so­nanz-To­mo­gra­phie und hoch­fre­quen­tem Ul­tra­schall

Anja Lif­fers, Micha­el Vogt, Oli­ver Keit­mann, Mar­cus Lok, Hel­mut Er­mert, C. Mül­ler, V.H. von Die­pen­broick, Lothar Heu­ser, Ste­phan El Gamm­al - Pro­cee­dings: 34. Jah­res­ta­gung der DGBMT, Sept. 28-30, 2000, Lübeck, Ger­ma­ny, Bio­me­di­zi­ni­sche Tech­nik, Band 45, Er­gän­zungs­band 1, S. 38-39, Sept. 2000

High re­so­lu­ti­on in vivo ma­gne­tic re­so­nan­ce ima­ging of the skin and com­pa­ri­son to high fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound

Anja Lif­fers, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, C. Mül­ler, A. Falk, Lothar Heu­ser, Ste­phan El Gamm­al - Pro­cee­dings: 8th Sci­en­ti­fic Mee­ting of the In­ter­na­tio­nal So­cie­ty for Ma­gne­tic Re­so­nan­ce in Me­di­ci­ne, p. 1400, April 3-7, 2000, Den­ver, CO, USA

Axial strain ima­ging using a local esti­ma­ti­on of the sca­ling fac­tor from rf ul­tra­sound si­gnals

Eli­sa­beth Brus­seau, Chris­ti­an Per­rey, Phil­ip­pe De­lach­art­re, Micha­el Vogt, Di­dier Vray, Hel­mut Er­mert - Ul­tra­so­nic Ima­ging, Vol. 22, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 95-107


So­no­gra­phy of the skin at 100 MHz enables in vivo vi­sua­liza­t­i­on of stra­tum cor­ne­um and via­ble epi­der­mis in pal­mar skin and pso­ria­tic plaques

Ste­phan El Gamm­al, Clau­dia El Gamm­al, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Cars­ten Piek, Peter Alt­mey­er, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - The Jour­nal of In­ves­ti­ga­ti­ve Der­ma­to­lo­gy, Vol. 113, No. 5, Nov. 1999, pp. 821-829

Com­pa­ri­son of blood flow ima­ging con­cepts with co­he­rent and in­co­he­rent rf car­riers in the 50 MHz ul­tra­sound re­gi­on for ap­p­li­ca­ti­on in der­ma­to­lo­gy

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 1999 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1499-1502, Oct. 17-20, 1999, Ca­e­sars Tahoe, NV, USA

100 MHz so­no­gra­phy for vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on of the pal­mar stra­tum cor­ne­um after ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of dif­fe­rent creams and oint­ments

Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Peter Alt­mey­er, Ste­phan El Gamm­al - Ul­tra­schall in der Me­di­zin, Vol. 20, No. 3, Juni 1999, pp. 110-114

High fre­quen­cy ul­tra­so­nic ima­ging and its ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons in skin

Hel­mut Er­mert, Micha­el Vogt - Pro­cee­dings: The In­ter­na­tio­nal So­cie­ty for Op­ti­cal En­gi­nee­ring (SPIE) In­ter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­si­um, Feb. 20-26, 1999, San Diego, CA, USA, SPIE, Vol. 3664, pp. 44-55, 1999

Tis­sue cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of the pro­sta­te using radio fre­quen­cy ul­tra­so­nic si­gnals

Georg Schmitz, Senge, T., Hel­mut Er­mert - IEEE Trans. Ul­tra­son. Fer­ro­el. Freq. Con­trol, 1999, 46, 126-138

Kom­bi­nier­te Er­fas­sung von axia­lem und trans­ver­sa­lem Blut­fluß mit einem 50 MHz-Ul­tra­schall-B-Bild-Sys­tem für die Der­ma­to­lo­gie

Micha­el Vogt, Cris­to­bal Curio, Hel­mut Er­mert, Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Klaus Hoff­mann, Mar­kus Stü­cker, Peter Alt­mey­er - Zeit­schrift für Me­di­zi­ni­sche Phy­sik, Nr. 1, S. 30-36, 1999


100 MHz so­no­gra­phy of pso­ria­sis vul­ga­ris plaques

Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Cars­ten Piek, Thors­ten Auer, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er, Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Ul­tra­schall in der Me­di­zin, Vol. 19, No. 6, Dec. 1998, pp. 270-274

High re­so­lu­ti­on true ve­lo­ci­ty map­ping with a 50 MHz pul­sed wave Dopp­ler sys­tem for der­ma­to­lo­gy

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 1998 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1529-1532, Oct. 5-8, 1998, Sen­dai, Japan

Struc­tu­ral ana­ly­sis of the skin using high fre­quen­cy, broad­band ul­tra­sound in the range from 30 to 140 MHz

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 1998 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1685-1688, Oct. 5-8, 1998, Sen­dai, Japan

High re­so­lu­ti­on esti­ma­ti­on of axial and trans­ver­sal blood­flow with a 50 MHz pul­sed wave Dopp­ler sys­tem for der­ma­to­lo­gy

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert, Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Klaus Hoff­mann, Mar­kus Stü­cker, Peter Alt­mey­er - Pro­cee­dings: Acousti­cal Ima­ging Vol. 24, Sept. 23-25, 1998, Santa Bar­ba­ra, CA, USA, pp. 317-324, Klu­wer Aca­de­mic/Ple­num Pu­blis­hers, New York, 2000


Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of high fre­quen­cy broad­band ul­tra­sound for high re­so­lu­ti­on blood flow me­a­su­re­ment

Micha­el Vogt, Hel­mut Er­mert - Pro­cee­dings: IEEE 1997 Ul­tra­so­nics Sym­po­si­um, pp. 1243-1246, Oct. 5-8, 1997, To­ron­to, Ca­na­da

High fre­quen­cy ul­tra­sound (50-150 MHz) in der­ma­to­lo­gy

Hel­mut Er­mert, Micha­el Vogt, Chris­ti­an Paß­mann, Ste­phan el Gamm­al, Ka­tha­ri­na Kas­par, Klaus Hoff­mann, Peter Alt­mey­er - In: Skin Can­cer and UV Ra­dia­ti­on, (Eds. P. Alt­mey­er, K. Hoff­mann, M. Stü­cker), pp. 1023-1051, Sprin­ger, Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg, New York, 1997


Co­lor-coded tis­sue cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on ima­ges of the pro­sta­te

Georg Schmitz, Hel­mut Er­mert - Acousti­cal Ima­ging, 1995, 22, 359-364

Co­lor-Coded Tis­sue Cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on Ima­ging of the Pro­sta­te using Dif­fe­rent Clas­si­fiers

Georg Schmitz, Hel­mut Er­mert

Cli­ni­cal As­sess­ment of Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve Echo­gra­phy

Thi­js­sen, J., Huis­man, H. J., Ber­ger, G., Lau­gier, P., Hel­mut Er­mert, Georg Schmitz, Cra­w­ford, D., Bell, D. - Uni­ver­si­ty Ni­j­me­gen, Ni­j­me­gen, The Nether­lands; Uni­ver­si­ty of Paris VI, Paris, Fran­ce; Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum, Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny, Royal Mars­den Hos­pi­tal, Sut­ton, United King­dom, 1995

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