Developing potential is the motto of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). Here, researchers and learners look beyond the boundaries of their own subject. State-of-the-art laboratories and the short distances of a campus university enable interdisciplinary cooperation, the success of which is reflected in clearly defined research foci and a comprehensive range of courses.
The faculty offers modern study programs in the staged, European Bachelor's/Master's system, which in this form and orientation are available nationwide only in Bochum.
Our professors conduct research together with their teams and cover a wide range of topics in addition to the main areas of plasma technology, sensor technology and IT security. Interdisciplinary top-level international research is conducted with industrial partners as well as in cross-faculty and cross-university clusters of excellence, collaborative research centers and research departments.
Preisverleihungen, Presseinformation oder Wettbewerb: In unserem News-Archiv sind alle Ankündigungen und Meldungen der Fakultät seit 2006 verzeichnet.
Award ceremonies, press releases or competitions: Our news archive lists all faculty announcements and notifications since 2006.
Fachlicher Austausch, Auszeichnung, die Fakultät von innen kennen lernen – es gibt viele gute Gründe, unsere vielseitigen Veranstaltungen zu besuchen.
Professional exchange, awards, getting to know the faculty from the inside - there are many good reasons to attend our events.
Bibliothek, CIP-Insel und Electronic Workshop sind immer einen Ausflug wert. Auch der Kontakt zu Fachschaften, Tutorium oder Verbänden und Vereinen lohnt sich.
Library, CIP Island and Electronic Workshop are always worth a trip. It is also worth getting in touch with student councils, tutorials or associations and clubs.
Hier finden Sie eine detaillierte Übersicht aller Professorinnen und Professoren der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Here you can find a detailed overview of all professors of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Ruhr University Bochum.
Ihre Aufgaben sind klar umrissen: Die Mitglieder des Fakultätsrats, im Promotionsausschuss und Prüfungsausschuss entscheiden, informieren und beraten.
Their tasks are clearly defined: The members of the faculty council, in the doctoral committee and examination board decide, inform and advise.
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